A history graph, like the ones provided by Github and Gitlab are very useful to check how your branches interact at a glance. However, git is always difficult to control and you may want to make sure you didn't break your precious repository before pushing. With this simple command, you can view the usual log visually organized as a graph:
git log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit
If you also think this command may be very useful and you don't want to type it every time, you can create an alias for it. If you are using "Git Bash" for Windows like I do, you can do it this way:
cd && echo "alias git-graph='git log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit'" >> .bash_profile
The next time you open Git Bash, git-graph will be available.
It happens way too often. You just set up a brand new repository for the project, you push the initial commit, you check everything is ok and... damn, you forgot the .gitignore. Now you add the .gitignore but the useless files are already in the last commit, and they won't go away.
With this command you can untrack the newly ignored files, so they won't show up in any future commit:
git rm -r --cached .
After this you can go on with the usual
git add .